Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Sweet Lou is A-OK!

What a relief, Sweet Lou is fine! Apparently, he is big and active and doesn't have time to sit around and let us listen to his heart rate. He is measuring a week ahead and weighs 2lbs 12oz and is in the 78% percentile for his size! I sure hope this doesn't mean I have gestational diabetes. I passed the first glucose test back at 13 weeks and took another one this past weekend so we are awaiting those results. He was moving and shaking and still has boy parts which is good since we have come to love the thought of a little boy. Plus, we'd have us one butch little girl if she had called it wrong the first time. Our boy has a closet full of the cutest little clothes. Thank you everyone for reassuring me that he was fine. He is fine and we couldn't be happier. Plus, we love the new pics we got of our Sweet Lou. He is big, active, and bald according to the tech and we couldn't be more in love. I posted my favorite pic below so hopefully you guys can spot him. It's a front view of his face in the upper right corner. His nose looks funny cause it's pressed against me. He is head down, butt up, and his legs are on my left side which explains why I feel him there most. We think he's just absolutely gorgeous and cannot wait to meet him. We have another appt Aug 4th so hopefully the Dr will confirm what we already think...that he's perfect!

Without further adieu, I give you Sweet Lou!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Tomorrow is our u/s and it can't get here fast enough. I have been trying not to stress but I can't imagine anything being wrong with our little boy who we already love so much. He's been moving around like normal which helps to calm our nerves but any time I don't feel him move I start to worry. Our appt is at 8:20 tomorrow morning and that can't get here soon enough. Hopefully, all will be well and this will just be another opportunity to see our boy and get some more pictures. I'm hoping like all of you said that the doctor is just erring on the side of caution. I'll update you as soon as I can. Thanks for all the support.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

trying not to freak out...

We went to the doctor yesterday to check on Sweet Lou and it seems that something may be wrong. The Dr listened to his heart rate and told us that she doesn't like how it keeps decelerating and she wants to find out why that is. When we went to the ER on 7/2 and he was doing it then too but the nurse just told us he was being active and we didn't think anything else about it. The Dr said she doesn't think it's anything to worry about but ordered a biophysical ultrasound just to be sure. She told us to keep track of his movements and to call if he hasn't moved like he normally does. Our u/s is scheduled for Tuesday at 8:20am. I don't know how in the world we will survive that long worrying about our Sweet Lou. He's moving around a lot so that makes us feel better. We keep telling ourselves that he's fine but you just never know. My sister had a similar scare when they couldn't find my niece's heartbeat at all and then the u/s showed she was fine. I just wish we didn't have to wait until Tuesday for answers. Has anyone else experienced this? I am freaked out beyond words.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I came across this onesie and just love it. I may have to get it for Sweet Lou!


Monday, July 11, 2011

One of my coworkers died over the weekend and it's made everyone here at work, including me, incredibly sad. It was unexpected as no one even knew he was sick. He hid his cancer and didn't tell anyone and lost his fight on Saturday. Not only was he a great person to work with personally but his loss will be felt by our University professionally as well. He had a true vision and helped to guide many instructors and he developed many of our programs here that we have launched recently. He was so young, in his 40's, which has had me thinking even more today then I have been recently.

I've been thinking about our son and how old I will be when he hits certain milestones. When he graduates from high school I will be 54. That doesn't seem old but then again it does. My parents had me at 21. They are in their late 50's now and I'm 35. I will be their age with a 20 year old, not a 35 old and I can't help but wonder what he will miss out on. Inevitably, he will lose his parents at a young age and that saddens me. I know no one knows when they will die but I look at my grandparents and other older relatives and how long they have been in my life and he won't have that. My beloved grandmother has been there for the last 35 years and unless my parents live into their 90's, he won't have that either. And then for Ani to die in his 40's, my god. What will become of our son if one of us dies in our 40's? He will be around 10 years old unlike if one of my parents (god forbid) have died in their 40's I would have been in my 20's. I look at my sister who is 25 with an almost 7 year old and a 7 month old and can't help but to feel a little jealous of all the time she will have in their lives. Even if I live to be 70 I only get 35 years with our sweet boy. Does anyone else have these thoughts or is just me? It's crossed my mind a few times but it really hit home today with Ani dying. And don't even get me started on 2.0 which as of now we plan on going for. He'll get 2-3 years less time!

In other news, our boy is good. We've taken to calling him Sweet Lou instead of Cupcake. We did have a scare over the 4th of July weekend and had to go to the emergency room but it turns out he is fine which is all that matters. I've been having really sharp pains on my left side which come and go and also hang around for a few hours too which has been lots of fun. They diagnosed it as round ligament pain which I don't agree with but as long as Sweet Lou is good I'll take it. I have an appt tomorrow so I'm going to talk to my doctor about it.

Our 4th was good, we had a long weekend and I had a break at work since the students were out on summer break. It was nice to relax but now it's back to the grind. It was also the birthday and anniversary of the death of my wife's grandfather so that was sad. My wife and her abuelito were incredibly close and our son is being named after him. Which means that yes, we have a name for our sweet boy. I hit 26 weeks yesterday and I still can't believe he will be here so soon. My wife and mom also booked the place for our shower which is being held on 8/20.

That's about it for my world, I hope your world is good.