Friday, August 5, 2011

It's official....

blogger sucks and I've moved over to WordPress! It won't let me link it but here's the new place.
I'm so happy with how our appt went yesterday. First and foremost, the biophysical profile of Sweet Lou came back showing that there is absolutely nothing wrong with him. If you remember we had to do the u/s because at our last appt his heart rate kept dropping out which led the dr to schedule the u/s to see why. It turns out there is nothing wrong and he just apparently didn't have time for us that day. We heard his heartbeat yesterday and it was loud, strong, and steady, absolute music to our ears. During the u/s we were told that we had a big boy and that he was measuring in the 78% which led my wife to worry that maybe I had GD. Well we got the test results back yesterday and I passed with flying colors. I am measuring a week ahead and have only gained 13 pounds so far and I'll be at 30 weeks this Sunday. Overall the doc is happy with my progress and told me that I'm handling the pregnancy well. My only real complaint is indigestion which a few and pril.osec take care of for me. People keep saying that I don't look pregnant and I even got called sir yesterday but I am starting to feel it. I feel like I'm huge but I guess others don't see it. I'm also not wearing maternity shirts which I guess just makes me look like a fat guy but I'm ok with that. Those shirts are hideous and I'm glad I'm still wearing my own shirts. They're getting shorter though so I may have to start looking for options soon. Here's a picture from last week so you be the judge. Pregnant woman or fat man?

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

I don't know about you but blogger is starting to really piss me off! The last couple of weeks I couldn't post comments on some of your pages and today it won't let me upload pictures. I'm thinking about jumping ship to wordpress. For all you wp people is it worth it? I have an account so I can comment on your blogs but that's my extent of wp knowledge. Was it easy to transfer over? Any tips would be appreciated because blogger is sure making it hard to blog!

All is good here with me and Sweet Lou. I have an appt on Thursday so I'll post after that. For now I'm just pissed at blogger!