So here we are in our second month of TTC and I'm already frustrated and pissed. Originally, we debated as to whether or not to try this month, and now it looks like my body has made up her mind for us. I've been testing since last Wed, which was CD11 and I have not detected a surge yet! As of yesterday, CD16, nothing. The last couple of months, I have always surged on CD13 so I have no idea what's up. I called the RE and they told me to come in for a "no surge for 6 days" ultrasound which is $345 so I told them no thanks. I don't want to pay that $ just to be told that I missed it. I think that I must have o'd early is all I can think of. Plus, I've been sick and we used a different opk brand this month. We have always used the digitals and this month decided to be cheap and use the store brand sticks. I'm guessing we just don't know how to read those so it's back to expensive digitals for us. I've had a surge with my right side before so I'm not too overly concerned but if it happens again, we'll do the ultrasound. So for this month, we're gonna hit the gym, use our IUI money for some bills, and enjoy our 4th of July vacation. If all goes well with my period this month, our next try should be right around when we return from vacation.
Speaking of vacation, we'll be going to Helen, GA to see my Dad, step-mom, and sister. We'll be driving up with my brother for the long weekend, which will be nice. My Dad has been saying that he wants his 3 kids together. This is not the same sister I was complaining about in my previous posts so it will be nice to see them. Since they all 3 live in GA, we don't see them as much as we would like. My step-mom has been really great through all of this baby making stuff too which is funny, cause I've never thought much of her. My own Mom doesn't ask any questions, but my step-mom is all over it. She says she can't wait to be "Nana". At least someone's excited in the family!
Here's to better luck next cycle!
2 months ago
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