About 2 hours after my first post last Sunday, I had to rush our Boston Terrier, Sophie, to the emergency vet. She woke up from her nap and couldn't lift her head up and she had no control over her back legs. IT FREAKED ME OUT! I picked her up and ran out the door with her. I knew something was wrong because she just laid in the seat next to me. She's usually thrilled to be on a car ride. She ended up being diagnosed with some sort of neck injury and is home resting and taking her muscle relaxers, pain relievers, steroids, and antibiotics (from an ear hematoma 10 days ago!). I think it's muscular because she has a huge knot on her shoulder and you can feel it spasming, but we won't know for sure until her x-ray next week. Apparently, they don't do the x-ray until after a week because the course of treatment is the same no matter what they find.
This brings me to this realization....I had to do this alone, because as I mentioned in my earlier post, Tatiana, was at her parents house for Easter dinner. You see, I have no relation with my in-laws, and have been in the same room with them 3 times in 5.5 years. It is what it is and we both adjust, but what if it had been our baby that was hurt?? She has no reception there, and all I could do was text her and hope she would check her phone at some point. When she got the message she immediately left, but I just couldn't help but think, what if it was our kid? I asked her and she just shook her head, unsure of what to say, but what could she say, it's just how it is.
My family is more accepting, my Mom even helped plan our wedding, but I have had my own issues with them lately. My mother's reaction to our appointment tomorrow (with the RE!) was less than enthusiastic. I thought for sure that she would be excited. We have talked about having kids with her on several occasions and she has seemed more than excited, which is why her reaction to our appointment has really pissed me off. I tried bringing it up again thinking the initial shock needed to wear off and I was met with the same response. I offered her info on the donor and she told me that she had go because my step-dad just got home and that she would look later. She must have sensed my attitude because she called right back claiming she" couldn't wait that long". When she pulled him up all she could say was "oh he's cute". Whatever, I'm so over her and hurt by all of this right now all I can do is keep my distance, which has caused her to call me and offer to pay for the appointment. She likes to buy people off so I declined. This is the first time that I have ever sensed her being stand offish about the whole "gay" thing. I think it has to do with her not knowing/wanting to show off her grandkid and having to explain that he has 2 mom's. At my step-dad's birthday a couple of weeks ago, she had co-workers there and she introduced Tatiana as my "friend". Fuck that! She is my wife, you helped plan the damn wedding! At least say partner! She introduced my brother and sister and their respective "fiances". Or say daughter-in-law...no one will usually ask who she's married to. Besides, I look like a big dyke so it's not a surprise to people that I'm gay!
On a brighter note, we have our appointment with the RE tomorrow to find out the steps we need to take to create our own destiny. I'll keep you posted as to how it turns out. If anyone out there even cares...LOL
2 months ago
OMG!!! OMG!!! Baby!! Our appointment is in an hour! Time has stopped!! I'm sooooo nervous!