Monday, June 20, 2011

drumroll please........

IT'S A BOY!!!!

As you can see we are having us a boy and we couldn't be more excited! We both said boy from the very beginning but then everyone around us said girl so we didn't know what to think. We were starting to believe the hype and everyone at the party, including us, were expecting to see pink but nope! We had said that morning that even though we both thought boy we would be shocked to see blue and that's exactly what happened. We are having a son and we couldn't be happier. The party was a lot of fun and we're glad we found out along with everyone else. We had just family and our closest friends there and it was really special. We also decorated onesies and bibs and we have a lot of great designs that we can't wait to see our little guy in. I'm still feeling good but the heartburn and indigestion is starting to kick in but so far the tums works. He's also an active little guy around 6am for the last couple of days which has been really cool because we lay there in bed and just feel him kick us. We can't believe how happy we are and we can't wait to meet him. We feel truly blessed to be welcoming a son into our family.


  1. WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been checking and checking! Congratulations!

  2. Congrats! How exciting, I can't wait til we find out too!

  3. Awww...that's so sweet! I love the cake and the party sounds fabulous! Congratulations on your little man!

  4. Congrats! What a fun way to find out about your little man!

  5. aw, that's such a brilliant way to find out. congratulations!

  6. AWWW Congrats ladies!!!! And I love the cake design :)

  7. What a fun thing to have done! So nice that you got to share it with the people you love.
